Affirmative sentence in Hindi

Affirmative sentence in Hindi: Important Gyan के इस लेख में हम Affirmative Sentence के बारे में जानेंगे की सकारात्मक वाक्य किसे कहते हैं और ये कैसे बनते हैं तथा साथ ही हम इसके कुछ उदाहरण भी देखेंगे । अतः साथियों इस लेख को अंत तक जरूर पढ़ें ।

Affirmative sentence in Hindi

What is affirmative sentence

Affirmative sentence in Hindi: Affirmative Sentence से किसी कार्य के होने की या घटने की बात होती है । ये सकारात्मक रूप से किसी कार्य के होने की स्थित का बोध होता है । ये Assertive Sentence का एक भाग है । इसलिए Affirmative Sentence को Positive Sentence भी कहते हैं ।

Affirmative sentence example

  • सूर्य पूरब में उगता है । The Sun rises in the east.
  • हम अपने देश से प्रेम करते हैं । We love our country.
  • भारत ने मैच जीत लिया । India won the Match.
  • लड़की ने खिड़की तोड़ दी । Girl broke the Window.
  • हम लोग रात को सोते हैं । We sleep in the night.
  • हम सुबह टहलते हैं । We go for walk in the morning.

Affirmative sentence in Hindi

Change affirmative to negative sentence

Present Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Sentence: –
Subject+ First form of Verb + Object
Negative Sentence: –
Subject+ do/does+ not +First form of Verb + Object
Positive SentenceNegative Sentence
We write a letterWe don’t Write a letter
They work hardThey don’t work hard.
She goes to SchoolShe doesn’t go to school.
They buy bookThey don’t buy a book

Past Indefinite Tense

Affirmative Sentence: –
Subject+ Second form of Verb+ Object + Other Words.
Negative Sentence: –
Subject+ did not +First form of Verb+ Object + Other Words.
Positive Sentence Negative Sentence
They went to schoolThey did not go to school
Mohan wrote a letterMohan did not write a letter
She helped my brotherShe did not help my brother
He caught a thiefHe did not catch the thief

What is affirmative sentence example

  • Rita loves her school.
  • They help the poor.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • He does live here.
  • You do know me.
  • They do study in the morning.
  • They play cricket.
  • Sita gets up early in the morning.
  • The peon sleeps at the door.
  • The servant will go the market.
  • We shall help you.
  • Father is sleeping in the room.
  • The passengers were waiting for the train.
  • He will be waiting for me at the railway station.
  • They shall be welcoming the guests.
  • They have seen the Taj.
  • They have left Agra.
  • She had slept before father came.
  • Rita slept after father had gone.
  • They shall have finished their work by then.
  • She will have reached her home by sunset.
  • They shall have reached the station before the train leaves.
  • They have been studying in the college for four years.
  • Reema has been dancing for an hour.
  • They have been waiting for you since 3 O’clock.
  • She had been living in Bombay since 1951.
  • They had been sleeping for on hour before you came.
  • They had been sitting in the stadium for one hour before the match started.
  • Sarita had been writing a letter to her mother since morning.
  • They will have been living in Lucknow since 1975
  • We will have been suffering form fever for 8 days.

Important Gyan के इस सीरीज में मैं आप लोगों को ये बताने का प्रयास किया कि Affirmative sentence in Hindi किसे कहते हैं ? मित्रों मुझे अपनी लेखनी को यहीं पर समाप्त करने का इजाजत दीजिये।

अगर कहीं कोई त्रुटि रह गयी हो तो मानवीय भूल समझ  क्षमा  कर दीजियेगा और कोई सुझाव हो तो  जरूर दें हम अपने लेख में उचित स्थान देंगे और कोई प्रश्न हो तो जरूर पूछे। Affirmative sentence in Hindi

आप लोगों को और अपना ज्ञानवर्धन करना चाहिए, अगर आप लोगों को लगता है की हमें और क्या पढ़ना चाहिए तो आप के वेबसाईट पर नियमित विज़िट करके अपना ज्ञान बढ़ा सकते हैं । Affirmative sentence in Hindi

हमारे कुछ मीनू आप लोगों का राह देखते रहते हैं जैसे-Motivation, Health, sarkari Yojna, Sarkari Naukari आदि । आप इनका लाभ जरूर उठायें । आपका दिन शुभ हो!- Affirmative sentence in Hindi

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